【再開済】ビルドアンドビルド(BNB)のアップデートに伴う預入・引出の一部停止に関するお知らせ / Due to the planned Build N Build (BNB) update, deposits and withdrawals will be suspended

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


As of 3:00 PM, Wednesday,January 24, 2024 JST
Deposits and withdrawals of BNB have been resumed.

*English translation below.





  • 預入・引出停止予定日時
    • 2024年1月23日(火)11:00頃
  • 預入・引出再開予定日時
    • 2024年1月24日(水)15:00頃
  • 停止対象暗号資産
    • BNB





Thank you for using the services of bitbank.

The Build N Build (BNB) update is scheduled for around Tuesday, January 23, 2024 Japan Standard Time (JST). Accordingly, bitbank will be suspending the deposits and withdrawals of Build N Build (BNB) during the following period.

Deposits and Withdrawals Suspension Dates

Deposits and withdrawals of Build N Build (BNB) will be suspended as follows.

  • Scheduled Deposits / Withdrawals Suspension Date
    • Around 11:00 AM, Tuesday, January 23, 2024 JST
  • Scheduled Deposits / Withdrawals Resumption Date
    • Around 3:00 PM, Wednesday,January 24, 2024 JST
  • Suspended Crypto Assets
    • BNB

Trading Build N Build (BNB) tokens, as well as trading, depositing and withdrawing other crypto assets, depositing and withdrawing Japanese Yen will not be affected.
Please note that the suspension date and resumption date may change depending on the status of the Build N Build (BNB) blockchain.

Deposits and Withdrawals Resumption

After the Build N Build (BNB) update is completed, we will resume deposits and withdrawals after confirming that operations are stable. Please note that we will announce when these services become operational on our blog.

Thank you for your continued support.