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国内事業者12社(オブザーバー1社)にて、顧客資産保護、顧客メリット最大化を目的として、Flare Networksと協議を続けておりました。この度、以下の条件でFlare Networksと合意いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。

Flare Networksとの合意条件


※Sparkトークンの発行元であるFlare Networksの方針変更その他の事由により、方針変更となる場合がございます。

Flare Networks について

Ripple社の投資部門「Xpring」からの支援を受けて、XRP Ledger上にスマートコントラクトの実装を目指すプロジェクトです。XRPの保有者に対し、Flare Networks上のネイティブトークンであるSparkトークンを付与するエアドロップを2020年8月10日に発表(※)しております。

※Flare Networksについての発表は こちら


QUOINE株式会社(Liquid by Quoine)
SBI VC トレード株式会社
株式会社DMM Bitcoin




XRP出金再開時のアナウンスにつきましては 当社ブログに改めて掲載いたしますのでご確認をお願いいたします。










Thank you for using bitbank

Distribution of Spark token

We, a domestic joint communication team of 12 crypto asset exchanges (with one as an observer), have been holding discussions with Flare Networks regarding the distribution of Spark Token. During the discussion we have prioritized the protection of our customer’s assets along with maximization of customer merits on top of everything else.
We have now come to an agreement and hereby announce the conditions for the distribution.

Conditions agreed with Flare Networks

If Spark token is officially approved for listing by the Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association (JVCEA) and the Financial Services Agency by June 22, 2022 JST, we will claim Spark token and distribute it to each exchange's XRP holders.

  • Exchanges are required to meet procedures in accordance with regulations and the rules of self-regulatory organizations, when deciding to list new currencies.
  • Updates, such as when and how Spark will be listed will be announced on each company's website.
  • The timing of listing and distribution may change depending on each individual exchange, in consideration of their respective policies or system conditions.
  • These terms may change depending on the policy of Flare Networks, the issuer of Spark tokens, or any other reasons.

About Flare Networks

Flare Networks is a project which plans to develop smart contracts on the XRP Ledger with the support of "Xpring", Ripple's investment department. Flare has announced its plan for airdrop of Spark on August 10, 2020
※ Information on Flare Network’s announcement is here.

<List of the participating 12 crypto asset exchanges>

bitFlyer, Inc.
QUOINE Corp. (Liquid by Quoine)
bitbank, Inc.
SBI VC Trade Co., Ltd.
Huobi Japan Inc.
BITPoint Japan Co., Ltd.
DMM Bitcoin Co., Ltd.
Xtheta Inc.
Coincheck, Inc.
DeCurret Inc.
LVC Corporation (BITMAX)
One Other company
Numerical order by member No. of JVCEA

Suspending XRP Withdrawals (transfers)

Given this decision, we are scheduling suspension of withdrawals for XRP from 8:00~9:30 12 December 2020 JST, for the purpose of taking a snapshot of the XRP currently held in our customer’s user wallets. All other trading and non-trading functions will not be affected during this period. The restart of withdrawal may change depending on the proceedings.

We will inform you about our restart on our blog

We ask for your full understanding and cooperation.

Withdrawal Suspension date

Withdrawal Suspension date for XRP

Scheduled start date : 8:00 12 December 2020 JST
Scheduled end date: 9:30 12 December 2020 JST

※In case the snapshot finishes sooner than expected, our services may regain before the scheduled end date.

Details on the Snapshot

A snapshot is the vesting date for your assets (XRP).
As of 9:00 12 December 2020 JST, we will vest the rights related to the distribution of Spark tokens based on your XRP balance.

Snapshot date
9:00 12 December 2020 JST

  • The Snapshot will be taken based on the XRP amount displayed on your assets page.
  • In addition, XRP lent out by "Lending for Interest " will not be included in the vested rights.